Maintenance Programs

Beaver Control

The RM of LeRoy participates in the provincial Beaver Control Program administered through SARM. Through this program, the RM provides $35.00 per beaver eradicated by authorized individuals. Please contact the RM office for additional information.


Report all controlled burns (old buildings, stubble and grass fires etc.) to 1-866-404-4911 before burning and upon completion. You will be required to provide your name, phone number, land location, what you are burning and for how long. If an unreported controlled burn is responded to by a fire department, the landowner or resident will be charged.


Salvage of hay along municipal roads is available to the adjacent landowner before July 15th in each year. After July 15th, any person may cut and salvage the hay. Please ensure bales are removed by August 31st so as to not impede the RM ditch mowing program.

Dust Control

The RM of LeRoy offers dust control application on municipal roads adjacent to yard sites to ratepayers for a nominal fee. Please contact the RM Office for more information.

Pest Control

Tenie Schoettler is appointed as the Pest Control Officer (PCO) for the municipality under the authority of The Pest Control Act. She is licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture. Tenie can be contacted via the RM Office. Rat poison is available from the PCO and is available at no charge to landowners for use on RM of LeRoy properties. Child and pet-proof bait dispensers are available through Tenie, as well as tamper proof bait boxes for $25.00, GST included.

The rat population is on the decline in the RM of LeRoy. Thank you to everyone for playing their part in prevention, self-baiting and keeping yards clean. Yard visits will be coordinated with the PCO.

Tips for a rat free environment:

  • You play an important role; rat eradication is a team effort including: local government, pest control officer, land owners and producers.
  • Signs that rats are present include gnawing on doors and windows, cracks and chewed wires; burrows under foundations, scrap piles or feed stacks.
  • Rats are nocturnal. Rats present in daylight are a likely sign of infestation that must be reported to the PCO.
  • PCO's usually work alone, so please report any possible hazards that your PCO may encounter such as abandoned wells or dangerous animals.
  • There have been several cases of Hanta Virus, please be careful when cleaning bins or handling dead rodents. Spray your bins or affected area with ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon water and wear protective gear including gloves and a mask.